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Students & Parents


Have you ever wondered?

  • Who or what can help me find a job or a career that I'm interested in?
  • What classes should I be taking in high school?
  • Are there any (local or regional) career-based learning activities associated with the job or career that I'm interested in?
  • What about (local or regional) earn-and-learn opportunities; where can I learn about these?

If you’ve ever asked yourself any of these questions or want to get help in your career planning, then Inspire Rock County - which is powered by Xello - can help. For more information or to access your Xello dashbarod, click here.


Inspire Rock County helps your child by by bridging the gap between classwork and the working world; and it creates avenues or channels for them to actively interact with employers and (virtual) career coaches. By encouraging your child to take advantage of these tools, you can help introduce them to a career or occupation that fits their skill sets; their interests; and their goals.

How does the program work?

Inspire Rock County is a web-based career preparation and readiness platform, which is powered by Xello (formerly Career Cruising) - licensed software package utilized by school districts throughout WI and the nation, as well. By integrating career development tools, social media elements and workforce data into a seamless system, students (and parents and educators too) can connect efficiently and effectively with local or regional employers. In addition, this platform enables students to:

  • Learn about local or regional companies that offer jobs and careers in their area of interest.
  • Participate in real-life, career or job discussions with an online mentor/career coach.
  • Further interact with an employer by participating in career-based learning activities (e.g. job-shadowing, internships, company tours, etc.).

How can a parent participate?

(Attention: All Inspire Rock County participants are subject to a national criminal and sex offender background check. For more information on the terms, please visit this link)